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  Well, That's a Wrap......Not Really,


   The 2018 season was a very busy one.  Although technically not over yet, it's getting close. Trip days were up, fishing was good, water quality seems to be improving a bit ( Although I say that with reservation because the impact of the SWW at Pelton dam has yet to be determined.) The salmon fly hatch has definitely changed. It's longer in duration and more sporadic. Having said that, there still are those " epic" ( the most overused word in the English language today) days where fish would take the floating cheeto's with abandon. Splashy, gaudy takes that make you smile as an angler. There were some very big fish to be caught, and plenty of mid size fish too. That bodes well for the fishery. 


Fires up north were a bummer, but the river will recover. The wild ( or feral ) horses are denuding the riparian zone on the tribal side and that is a bit of a concern. We'll see what happens over the winter. I'm hoping the discovery of the wolves up near Mt. Hood makes for some interesting depredation scenarios. As macabre as it sounds, I'd love to see a pack of wolves take down a horse. Probably not the most popular thing I'm going to write but, hey, it's me. But I digress. 


 The Steelhead season is winding down, not done yet, but winding down. The numbers weren't what we hoped for, but that is an all too familiar refrain these days. As a guide my job is to make the best of it. Some days that equals an eight hour spey casting lesson. Those are a hoot, expectations are usually in line with reality and the results are usually pretty good.  I have most of November open if you're interested I'd love to swing some flies with you. 


 Trout season remains open until Dec. 31st. and swinging flies for trout is great practice for Steelhead. I believe that on the day float section ( Warm Springs to Trout Creek ) the Steelhead have really morphed back into big trout anyway. Over the years I've had lots of clients catch Steelhead on size 16 or even 18 caddis fly imitations, now that's fun. The river flows are up a bit so make sure you have your studded felt soled wading boots. Rubber and aluminum is fine too. 


 So there you have it, a brief recap of a pretty good year. I'm already looking forward to 2019 and the fun times ahead. We've got a great crew at FFP and If I"m not available one of my colleagues will show your a great time. Any questions please feel free to give me a call or an email.  For now, tight lines.



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