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Guide Notes:

Hiring A Guide:

 I'm going to be a bit presumptuous and share some thoughts on the why's, what's and how's of hiring a guide.

I think a lot of folks are tentative about asking a guide about his or her methodology.  I think it's something you should do when you hire a guide. Most guides that I know are happy to share their knowledge. Most have given some thought to their methods and enjoy talking about it. I think that it also shows interest and most guides enjoy working with people who show a lot of interest into their craft. And after all, to some degree you as the client paid to know. Now, it's also important that you hold that knowledge dearly. After all what you asking about may be a technique that your guide spent a great deal of time developing and validating. So, go ahead and ask. It will make for a better trip for you and your guide. 

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