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Walk Wade-
This is the best option if your time is somewhat limited, you like to wade in rivers and prefer smaller stream venues. If you're staying at one of the local resorts the walk wade option is a great choice. Our local offerings include the Crooked River, the Fall River, the Upper Deschutes River and the Santiam River. The Crooked and the Fall rivers are our most popular options. 
The Crooked River-
The Crooked River flows from the Prineville Resevoir due west and north into Lake Billy Chinook. The first nine miles below the dam is characterized as a Wild and Scenic River. It flows through a beautiful canyon that rivals the Deschutes for scenic beauty. Relatively small in size the flows are usually between 100 and 250 cfs (cubic feet per second). These flows make it less of a challenge to wade but good wading shoes (felt with studs or rubber with aluminum cleats) are advisable. It has a good population of native Redband Rainbow Trout, and Rocky Mountain Whitefish in a wide size range. It's a great river to practice your euro nymphing game, dead drift technique,and sometimes a great dry fly river as well. It's proximity to Bend, Oregon, makes it a popular river destination for those folks staying at one of the resorts located in Central Oregon. 
The Fall River-
The Fall River is located about 30 minutes south of Sunriver, Oregon, and flows into the middle Deschutes near LaPine State Park. It's a classic spring creek with very clear water and great insect hatches. The Fall River Fish Hatchery provides a very convenient starting point and access to some awesome water. Many of the fish in the river are planted but they quickly become acclimated and wily, providing a challenge to the dry fly enthusiast , Euro nymhing enthusiast, or dry fly practitioner.  
The Upper Deschutes -
This portion of the Deschutes river flows between Little Lava Lake and Wickiup Reseviour. It is a small stream flowing at less than 10 cfs. I characterize this little piece of water as a rowdy little creek. The stream is strewn with timber and heavy vegetation along the banks making ideal habitat for lots of small rainbows and some brook trout as well. Hatches of Golden Stones, PMD's, Yellow Sallies, and others make this a wonderful dry fly opportunity. 
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